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State servants are responsible for the servicing of persons at the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (for inquiries in English) phone +370 5 271 7256, e-mail [email protected]




Ordering and issuing a certificate of the Register.

The electronic service is intended for residents to electronically submit a request for the issue of a certificate of the Register, review the progress of the preparation of a certificate of the Register and data of their previously submitted requests as well as to electronically receive a prepared certificate of the Register. If you are not able to login to the electronic services portal, you can print out a request and payment order form by selecting the link ‘Atsispausdinti prašymą dėl Registro pažymos ar išrašo išdavimo ir mokėjimo nurodymo formą’ (‘Print out a request for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register and payment order form’) in the section ‘Gyventojams’ (‘For residents’) and submit those documents to the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.

ATTENTION! A certificate signed by an electronic signature is not valid in institutions of foreign countries.

To an applicant or his / her representative, who has ordered a certificate of the Register electronically and has chosen the form of the certificate – 'Electronic form',  the prepared certificate of the Register signed with an electronic signature are provided electronically (via the internet) through the electronic services portal.

Electronic service*

* Please don't use Internet Explorer browser to order the service.

Ordering and issuing an extract of the Register.

The electronic service is intended for residents to electronically submit a request for the issue of an extract of the Register, review the progress of the preparation of an extract of the Register and data of their previously submitted requests as well as to electronically receive a prepared extract of the Register. If you are not able to login to the electronic services portal, you can print out a request and payment order form by selecting the link ‘Atsispausdinti prašymą dėl Registro pažymos ar išrašo išdavimo ir mokėjimo nurodymo formą’ (‘Print out a request for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register and payment order form’) in the section ‘Gyventojams’ (‘For residents’) and submit those documents to the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania.

ATTENTION! A certificate signed by an electronic signature is not valid in institutions of foreign countries.

To an applicant or his / her representative, who has ordered an extract of the Register electronically and has chosen the form of the extract – 'Electronic form',  the prepared extract of the Register signed with an electronic signature are provided electronically (via the internet) through the electronic services portal.

Electronic service*

* Please don't use Internet Explorer browser to order the service.

Submission of consents.

The electronic service is intended for individuals to provide their consent for the provision of the data of the Register concerning them to authorised persons, a legal person participating in a public procurement procedure.

Types of consents:

  • single consent is given to a single request regarding the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register registered at the electronic services portal;
  • term consent is given to an unlimited number of requests regarding the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register, which will be submitted during the established period of validity of the consent. Term consent shall be given to a single specific authorised legal person participating in a public procurement procedure. Term consent may be withdrawn before the expiry of the established term.

Electronic service*

* Please don't use Internet Explorer browser to order the service.



  1. Procedure of issuing a certificate and extract of the Register of Suspects, Accused and Convicts for residents


1.1. Where can an individual apply for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register?

A request for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register shall be submitted to the Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Information Technology and Communications Department’) as follows:

  • directly, when the applicant or his/her representative arrives to the reception of the Information Technology and Communications Department in Vilnius, Šventaragio g. 2;
  • by mail or via courier (to the Information Technology and Communications Department at the following address: Šventaragio g. 2, LT-01510 Vilnius);
  • electronically (via the internet) through the electronic services portal at* or using the public electronic services offered by the E-Government Gateway portal at;
  • at a diplomatic mission of the Republic of Lithuania (for citizens of the Republic of Lithuania residing abroad).

 * When connecting to the Electronic Services portal, please do not use the Internet Explorer browser.

1.2. What documents shall be submitted to obtain a certificate or extract of the Register?

When applying directly, the applicant or his/her representative shall submit:

  • a request for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register in the established format (example of a request form);
  • a valid personal identity document (passport or personal identity card) or its copy certified in accordance with the notarial or other procedure established by legal acts (when a request is submitted by a representative of the applicant);
  • a document proving the fact of representation (to be submitted additionally when applying through a representative of the applicant).

When sending the request by post, via a courier, or electronic means of communication, the following shall be submitted:

  • a request for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register in the established format (example of a request form);
  • a copy of a valid personal identity document (passport or personal identity card) certified in accordance with the notarial or other procedure established by legal acts (when a request is submitted by a representative of the applicant). If there are doubts about the authenticity of the copy of the valid personal identity document submitted by the applicant (natural person), the Information Technology and Communications Department may request to submit a copy of the document, certified by a notary or in other procedures established by legal acts, or for the purpose of personal identity verification, the applicant may be requested by mail or electronic means of communication submit a photo that captures and clearly shows the face image of the applicant together with the personal data sheet of the applicant's valid personal identity document with all the entries on this sheet and a personal photo;
  • a document proving the fact of payment of the fee for a certificate or extract of the Register (when ordering more than once within a calendar year) (when the request for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register is submitted according to an urgent procedure) or its copy;
  • copies of a valid personal identity document and document proving the fact of representation certified in accordance with the notarial or other procedure established by legal acts (to be submitted additionally when applying through a representative of the applicant). If there are doubts about the authenticity of a copy of a valid document confirming the identity of the person or certifying the representation submitted by the applicant's representative (natural or legal person), the Information Technology and Communications Department may request to submit copies of these documents, certified by a notary or in other procedures established by legal acts, or for the purpose of confirming the identity of the applicant, the applicant may to be asked to submit a photograph by post or electronic means of communication, in which the image of the applicant's face is captured and clearly visible together with the personal data sheet of the applicant's valid personal identity document with all the entries on this sheet and a personal photograph;

A certificate or extract of the Register may be ordered electronically, via the internet, by applicants who are users of e-banking or the electronic signature system and have performed the identification procedure in the system. A certificate or extract of the Register may be ordered via the electronic services portal at* by selecting the link ‘Įtariamųjų, kaltinamųjų ir nuteistųjų registras’ (‘Register of Suspects, Accused and Convicts’) in the section ‘Gyventojams’ (‘For residents’) and then selecting the link ‘Registro pažymos ar išrašo užsakymas’ (‘Ordering a certificate or extract’). A certificate or extract of the Register may also be ordered using the public electronic services offered by the Electronic Government Gateway portal at;

The preparation of a certificate or extract of the Register shall be started when the applicant pays the fee amount established in the List of Rates of the Fee for the Provision of Data of the Register of Suspects, Accused and Convicts and Information of the Register approved by Resolution No. 711 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania dated 20 June 2012.

 * When connecting to the Electronic Services portal, please do not use the Internet Explorer browser.

1.3. Rates of the fee for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register.

  Within 10 working days

Under the urgent procedure,
within 1 working day

The issue of an extract of the Register (irrespective of the way of issue) once per calendar year: Free of charge Free of charge
The issue of a certificate or an extract of the Register (more than once within a calendar year) upon a personal visit to the Information Technology and Communications Department: 8,67 Eur 13,00 Eur.
The provision by electronic means (via the internet) of a certificate or an extract of the Register (more than once within a calendar year) signed by an electronic signature): 8,17 Eur 12,26 Eur
The provision of a certificate or an extract of the Register (more than once within a calendar year) by registered mail:    
in the Republic of Lithuania: 11,21 Eur 15,54 Eur
in the Member States of the European Union: 16,47 Eur 20,80 Eur
The issue of a certificate or an extract of the Register (more than once within a calendar year) in other countries: 15,60 Eur 19,93 Eur


  • the rate of the fee for a second and any subsequent copy of a certificate or an extract of the Register under the same request: EUR 0.29. For example, in order to obtain 3 copies of certificates of the Register under the same request, it is necessary to pay EUR 9.25 to the account of the Information Technology and Communications Department (EUR 8.67 for the first copy and EUR 0.29 for two copies each). This fee rate shall not apply to a certificate or an extract signed with an electronic signature and provided electronically.
  • Certificates or extracts of the Register shall not be issued under an urgent procedure if the data of the Register must be updated or supplemented during preparation.
  • The term of 10 working days may be extended if the data of the Register must be updated or supplemented during preparation.
  • Prices for sending a certificate or extract of the register by post (postal costs are included in the total price): in the Republic of Lithuania - 2.54 eur; European Union country - 7.80 eur; to other countries - 6.93 eur.

1.4. How to pay for the issue of a certificate or extract of the Register?

The fee for a certificate or extract of the Register shall be paid by a payment order:

Beneficiary’s name: Informatikos ir ryšių departamentas;

Company identification number: 188774822;

Beneficiary’s account: LT317300010099475423;

Beneficiary’s bank: AB Swedbank;

Bank code: 73000;

SWIFT code: Habalt 22;

Payment purpose: ‘TP’.

Payment can also be made on the Electronic Services portal.

1.5. How can I find out information about the preparation of the certificate or extract of the Register?

Persons ordering certificates or extracts of the Register can receive information about the preparation of the certificate or extract by short text message (SMS) and/or e-mail. The service is provided to persons who, when filling out an application for a certificate or extract of the Register, indicate that they want to receive a notification about the preparation of a certificate or extract (if they want to collect the certificate or extract in person) or a notification about the preparation and sending of a certificate or extract (if they want to receive a certificate or extract by registered mail ), and indicate the phone number and/or e-mail address to which you want to receive a message. The SMS service works only when sending a message to a phone number in the Republic of Lithuania.

1.6. How to collect a prepared certificate or extract of the Register?

The applicant and his/her representative can collect the prepared certificate or extract of the Register either directly at the Information Technology and Communications Department or by registered mail or electronically (via the internet) through the electronic services portal. When collecting a certificate or extract of the Register directly at the reception of the Department, the applicant or his/her representative shall present his/her valid personal identification document, while the representative shall additionally present a document proving the fact of representation.

To an applicant or his/her representative who has ordered a certificate or extract of the Register electronically and has chosen the form of the certificate or extract – ‘Electronic form‘, the certificate or extract of the Register signed with an electronic signature can be provided electronically (via the internet) through the electronic services portal at* or using the public electronic services offered by the Electronic Government Gateway portal at

* When connecting to the Electronic Services portal, please do not use the Internet Explorer browser.

1.7. How to review a certificate or extract of the Register in ADOC format?

An applicant can review a certificate or extract of the Register signed with an electronic signature in ADOC format and check its validity at having selected the item ‘ADOC dokumento peržiūra ir tikrinimas’ (‘ADOC document review and check’).

1.8. Examples of a request form.

1.9. Multilingual standard form.

The procedure for issuing the multilingual standard form is regulated by the Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 6 July 2016 on promoting the free movement of citizens by simplifying the requirements for presenting certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012.

According to the Regulation, certificates confirming the fact of the absence of a criminal record, when accompanied by a multilingual standard form, should not be subjected to any form of legalization (apostillization) procedures in another European Union member state.

The multilingual standard form is issued in two languages - Lithuanian and the official language of another European Union member state where the certificate of the register will be submitted.

The applicant (citizen of the Republic of Lithuania) or his representative can order a multilingual standard form together with a certificate of the Register, the purpose of which is "For institutions (companies, organizations) of foreign countries due to a valid criminal record", by noting this request in the application form and specifying the European Union member state, which will include the certificate of the Register and the official language of that country.

The multilingual standard form is issued in the event that the court's indictment has not been passed and entered into force against the applicant, and a pre-trial investigation has not been initiated and carried out, in which the applicant is placed under pretrial detention.

The certificate of the register which is signed with an electronic signature is not issued together with the multilingual standard form.

Example of a multilingual standard form.


The working hours of the reception of the Information Technology and Communications Department

Persons shall be serviced at the reception of the Department during the working hours of the reception of the Department:

On Mondays On Tuesdays On Wednesdays On Thursdays On Fridays
8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m. 8.00 a.m. – 3.45 p.m.